Education Plan at Walker Academy

At Walker Academy, we believe in personalized educational plans that cater to the individual goals and aspirations of each Youth. Our program is designed to empower  and support young adults aged 18-25 through  workshops, seminars, and job training and or educational enrollment. Each Youth will have a personalized IPP (Individual Program Plan) created upon enrollment. 

Ready to start your new beginning at Walker Academy?

What is an IPP?

An Individualized Program Plan (IPP) is a tailored educational strategy that outlines specific objectives, goals, and learning activities for each student's unique needs and aspirations. 

Why is participation necessary?

Active participation in our programs is crucial for achieving successful outcomes. By engaging in workshops, skill evaluations, and job assistance, students can enhance their skills and increase their chances of securing permanent employment.

Take the first step towards independence by enrolling in our program today.

About me

Walker Academy began as a short lived homeschool I created. Once it was over,  I thought what should I do with this non-profit? I have always wanted to create a resource for youth empowerment. After some meditation, I decided to open a group home to assist youth by guiding them into independence and a permanent housing solution. As a business owner, I  pride myself on personal attention and dedication to every detail. Walker Academy's approach is rooted in quality and integrity, ensuring that everything we do reflects our commitment to the youth.